Today we picked Lady Gaga. Here's Wednesday Wickedness!
1. "Peace. it does not mean to be in a place where there is no trouble, noise, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart." Do you keep your cool no matter what is going on around you?
2. "Some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you're wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn't love you anymore." Do you feel that career should be more important than your love life?
3. "You have to be unique, and different, and shine in your own way." In what way(s) do you feel that you are unique?
4. "I want women -- and men -- to feel empowered by a deeper and more psychotic part of themselves. The part they're always trying desperately to hide. I want that to become something that they cherish." Do you feel that there is a part of you that you need to hide from most people?
5. "Love is like a brick. You can build a house, or you can sink a dead body." Have you ever held on to a relationship even though you truly knew it was already over?
6. "Sometimes in life you don't always feel like a winner, but that doesn't mean you're not a winner, you want to be like yourself." Would your friends say that you are a winner in this game of life?
7. "A glamorous life is quite different to a life of luxury. I don’t need luxury. For years, I was practically broke but I was still very vain and glamorous. And I still am." Can you tell us about a time when you were broke and yet still happy?
8. "I’m single right now and I’ve chosen to be single because I don’t have the time to get to know anybody. So it’s okay not to have sex, it’s okay to get to know people. I’m celibate. Celibacy’s fine." Do you think staying celibate between relationships important?
9. "Fight and push harder for what you believe in, you'd be surprised, you are much stronger than you think." Tell us about an incident where you were stronger than you thought you were.
10. "I lie in bed and try to pray and breathe. I have a very overactive mind. I’m the sort of person who’d never take medication to calm myself. It’s maddening. But I love what comes out." Do you feel that you always have the ability to calm yourself?
Thanks for checking out our Wednesday craziness. We hope you join us again. Please visit our other player's posts and make a comment. Join us next week for our next meme!
I'm amazed that you found so many quotes of hers that don't murder the English language. She is Madonna on speed!
This was fun! Thank you for hosting!
sorry i hav not posted in a few weeks i have been in the process of moving but I am happy to say I have my answers up this week that was fun!!!
I can't believe I did this one. Lady Gaga? She is something else but I did like what she had to say.
Not a fan of Lady GAG [sic] but it was fun, regardless. :)
Like April, I'm not a fan of the Gagster, but she did have some interesting quotes. Thanks for doing the research!
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